The training programs on raising awareness about patient identification were conducted for the healthcare workforce. Nurses can use this resource to understand the behaviors and attitudes of the healthcare workforce in neglecting patient safety. Moreover, the attitudes can be avoided by nurses as they learn from the key findings of this resource. This resource shows its value by briefing out the attitudes and behaviors of the healthcare workforce towards patient identification. This paves the way for the healthcare

staff of our hospital to avoid such attitudes to improve patient safety.

Procedures and Protocols for Preventing Patient Identification Errors

Campbell, A., Ok, S., Esguerra, J., Luo, D., Ajala, A., Edwards, C., Hilton, S., Khrone, N., Monroe, N., Nichols, J., Porter, R., Simms, D., Smith, L., Puthenparampil, E., & Gonzalez, C. G. (2022). Using a patient identification checklist: How to make this a never safety event in perioperative services. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing37(4), e2. 

The article mentioned above describes the procedure to alleviate the incidences of patient identification errors during perioperative services. For this purpose, a checklist is developed considering the patient wristbands during check-in events and further audits are conducted to ensure maximal compliance measures. The study created a realistic and achievable goal of promoting patient safety and reducing harm due to patient identification errors by 25% in six months. The implementation process included developing a checklist for patient identification, educating staff, and conducting digital audits.

Other procedures included placing checklists in laminated form for coordinators, improving lighting to avoid human errors, and allocating alphabetical orders for patient chart files to lessen adjustments to charts. These procedures and protocols helped diminish patient identification errors and enhanced patient safety. This article is helpful for healthcare professionals and policymakers to create protocols and checklists for reducing patient identification errors and improving the safety of patients. Moreover, this article is valuable as it provides a systematic method of implementing the protocols and procedures to enhance patient safety and address patient identification errors.

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit

Fukami, T., Uemura, M., Terai, M., Umemura, T., Maeda, M., Ichikawa, M., Sawai, N., Kitano, F., & Nagao, Y. (2020). Intervention efficacy for eliminating patient misidentification using step-by-step problem-solving procedures to improve patient safety. Nagoya Journal of Medical Science82(2), 315–321.

The article by Fukami and colleagues (2020) evaluates the effectiveness of reducing patient misidentification by using a step-by-step methodology in which a problem-solving approach was implemented. First, the number of patient misidentification incidents was calculated from reports. Next, the factors or reasons which caused these errors were found. The next step involved setting a target to decrease misidentification errors among patients and achieving this by standardizing the policies and procedures for accurate patient identification.

The last step was to educate staff members by sharing educational videos on the safe identification of patients and making policies to increase adherence to the patient identification protocols. These steps helped the organization reduce patient misidentification mistakes and achieve the set target. This article is useful for healthcare staff, showing step-by-step guidelines to implement patient identification protocols and policies. Moreover, healthcare professionals can find this resource valuable as it aims to reduce patient identification errors by establishing SMART goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.

De Rezende, H., Melleiro, M. M., O. Marques, P. A., & Barker, T. H. (2021). Interventions to reduce patient identification errors in the hospital setting: A systematic review. The Open Nursing Journal15(1), 109–121. 

NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 4 Improvement Plan Tool Kit

This evidence-based resource draws results on interventions from a pool of studies on patient identification interventions. This article identified a number of interventions to alleviate the incidence of patient identification errors, including educating the staff

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